Professional Projects

Golf Clash (iOS/Android/PC)


Golf Clash is one of the leading mobile games in the US and UK with over 100 million downloads globally. I have contributed to several game features using the in-house engine, including ‘Checkpoint Challenge’ and have developed internal tools and contributed to engine development using both C and C#.

Puzzler Name Game (Unity, iOS/Android/Amazon)

Made in 2017 for Puzzler under Finblade, this was the studios first Unity project with a development time of around 3 months on which I was responsible for the entirety of the client application. No longer available, however a trailer is still viewable on YouTube

Puzzler Name Game

Puzzler (Cocos2D, iOS/Android/Amazon)

I developed the client application, which primarily involved implementing word puzzle game mechanics and downloadable content handling and push notifications.

Puzzler App

Puzzler 1Puzzler 2Puzzler 3

Puzzler World (Cocos2D, iOS/Android/Amazon)

Puzzler World is a suite of 15 different apps that host different kinds of puzzle games including crosswords and image-based puzzles, I was responsible primarily for small updates and bugfixes during my time at Finblade Studios while working simultaneously on other projects.

Puzzler World App

Puzzler World 1 Puzzler World 2

Personal Projects

You can find more projects over on my page

Moonspear (Gameboy, C/ASM/Tools in C#)

Built for the original Gameboy using a mix of C and ASM, using GBDK and compiled with the Small Device C Compiler

Available to download here but must either be played with an emulator (I recommend BGB) or a real gameboy.

gameboy1 gameboy2

I built an actor system that supports a maximum of 10 animated characters using the 40 available hardware sprites, and a custom art pipeline and tools to handle converting Tiled maps and associated tilesets over to 2BPP format, discarding duplicate tiles and generating collision data.

gameboy6 tools1

Adventure Game Prototype (Unity, PC)

Inventory system, Camera Blending, Item Inspection mechanic

Available to download from

Adventure Game 1 Adventure Game 2

Isometric Chess (Unity, WebGL/PC/OSX)

Iso-Chess was made in 2017 as a personal development project, just to see what it would be like to implement the full set of chess rules, including the en-passant and pawn promotion rules, as a 2-player game. It features selectable color palettes and a pixel-perfect render-scale based on the display resolution.

Available to play on as a WebGL player, alternatively a Win64 build is also available.

Chess 1 Chess 1

Kitty Quest (Unity, PC/OSX)

Kitty Quest was made in just 7 days for Gameboy Jam 2016 using Unity and features 5 levels across which the player must rescue an assortment of cute animal friends. In the short timeframe alloted to build the game, a simple pipeline was setup using Unitys scriptable importers in order to convert levels built in the open source map editor Tiled to Unity GameObjects including placement of all level objects such as the animals, obstacles, enemies and one-way platforms. This work was done on the first day before the player movement was even implemented, to allow the artist to start crafting levels immediately.

Available to download from

Kitty Quest 1 Kitty Quest 1 Kitty Quest 1

Quake Maps

I’ve been using Trenchbroom since late 2021 with a specific focus on making vanilla-style maps for Quake that look and feel like something out of the original game (with a few more brushes) you can find all my maps, and my 4-map episode ‘Cold Light’ over at my Slipgate Sightseer profile.

Quake Image 1Quake Image 2

Quake Image 3Quake Image 4

Quake Image51Quake Image 6

Quake Image 7Quake Image 7

Quake Image 7Quake Image 7

Quake Image 7